Fragments du carnet gris

action furtive dans le cadre du projet gosser le furtif, 2011
karen elaine spencer, commissaire

on monday, april 11, 2011, Laurent Marissal gives me a copy of his book Où va la peinture

i notice a small hole
in the cover
and over several pages

but i don't mention anything

i have asked him to sign his books for me

there is also a small paintbrush between the pages

he apologizes for giving me that copy
but i reply no, on the contrary

he asks me to bring it back on friday
he will need it for his furtive action

on friday, april 15, Laurent had suggested we'd bring something,
an object connected with a recent furtive action

i bring the grey notebook in which I had recorded my notes
during my project  Ville intérieure, ou : Vingt-six heures dans le Montréal souterrain,
completed february 28 and march 1st, 2011

Laurent lets us have a look at his visual interventions in his room at L'hôtel Montréal,
while adding a few explanations for context

the book pierced by the paintbrush is there, on the night table

Laurent invites me to do my intervention in the bathroom: leaning against the sink, i read out loud fragments of my grey notebook to two small groups of visitors in succession

as i leave, i bring back Laurent's book,
with the paintbrush between the pages

Denis Lessard, Montreal
june 2011