La Relique

La Relique has begun with the unexpected encounter of a text and a photograph: a text written by Denis Lessard following a visit to Bruges' Basilica of the Precious Blood, which houses a relic of Christ's blood; a photograph of the reliquary in the form of a slide, brought back by Stéphane Danis after a similar pilgrimage. A glowing red relic of the era of analogue photography, carefully kept until...

Denis Lessard is known for his interest in writing and translation, as well as his activities in art criticism and translation in the field of contemporary art. As for several of his other creation projects, the text becomes the work itself, and the initial resistance produced by introducing a foreign language lies at the treshold of the creative experience: shall we enter, or stay outside ?

The veneration of the relic is described here as a true performance piece, with it's regular staging, sober orchestration, and strict timing, during which nothing should get out of hand. Paradoxically, one's faith seems to be shattered; it falters, questioned by the very object that should strenghthen it. But if it were true ?

Stéphane Danis has designed the artist's book reminiscent of small prayer books, in a limited edition of 20 copies.

Photos : Christian Blais (documentation),
Anne Danis (lancement de La Relique, April 2005)