La Ville intérieure

furtive action in the context of the project teasing the furtive, 2011
karen elaine spencer, curator

On February 28, 2011 at 10:29 am, I entered the Mont-Royal subway station. I intended to spend 24 hours in Montreal's underground system during a winter storm, to explore its possibilities. I stayed at the Bonaventure Hotel for its outdoor, year-round pool and to get a view of the Farine Five Roses neon sign, two persistent memories of childhood trips to Montreal. In the same vein, I attended a concert at Place des Arts, to see once more the curtain in the foyer of Théâtre Maisonneuve. The project's only documentation is a small grey A6 notebook in which I wrote and made a few drawings. I came out again at the corner of Cathcart and University streets on the next day, March 1st, at 12:57 pm.