
“This is Mom's picnic cake,” my cousin Anne announced when she presented this dessert at our annual family gathering, a few months after the death of her mother Jeanne d’Arc.

That is when I got the idea of compiling a small collection of recipes by our family's cooks, who displayed their talent especially at Christmas and Easter, on the occasion of our visits to the village of Sainte-Ursule de Maskinongé, located near Louiseville in Mauricie, where my father comes from. The eldest among my cousins also remember first communions and summer parties, lavish gifts of dolls, forests of orange sodas and peonies layed out across our grandmother Clara's welcoming table. (excerpt from the preface)

Cookbook, edition of  50, including 10 copies with 3 images in colour.
ISBN 978-2-9800925-1-0

Photo : Raymond O. Lessard